Here are some of the questions that we heard from you during project development and construction…
1. How many actual full time jobs will be created?
The South Canoe Wind Farm will require about 4-5 permanent jobs which include electrical and mechanical technicians. In comparison, the Digby Wind Farm currently employs four (4) permanent employees.
2. Has there been any actual human health studies on the proposed site to determine health risks at the setbacks the developer proposes?
Yes, there have been site-specific models created for sound and shadow flicker for the South Canoe Wind Project site that take into account the 1.2km setback. These models show that sound levels will be below 40dBA and that shadow flicker will be well below the allowable industry standard at all residences surrounding the project. These models were created by independent consultants and the results have been approved by Nova Scotia Environment as well as Health Canada who reviewed the project’s Environmental Assessment.
3. What study did the developer use to determine their 1.2km setback?
At the outset, the South Canoe Wind Project team set a goal to implement the largest setback of any setback by-law in the Province. The Halifax Regional Municipality has the largest setback distance in Nova Scotia at 1km and South Canoe is 20% further than this distance at 1.2km. Modelling was done to determine the safety of the 1.2km setback and how turbines would impact residents at this distance. The results of research on ice throw, shadow flicker, and sound all indicate that the 1.2km setback is a safe setback for the South Canoe project. In comparison with other setbacks in the Province and in Canada, our 1.2km setback is much larger – in fact, Ontario’s setback guideline is 550m from residents.
4. What happens to the people who live near the turbines if they are experiencing health issues with infrasound, audible noise and shadow flicker?
With regards to health impacts, the South Canoe Wind Project completed a detailed Environmental Assessment (EA) which included modeling and studies on human health which was approved by the Nova Scotia Department of Environment. The EA review was undertaken by several government agencies, including Health Canada, and found that the wind farm will not pose a risk to the residents or the environment. Due to the bulk of the literature on health and wind turbines, no compensation is planned for residents at this point in time. However, going forward, we’re committed to working with the community and residents.
5. What do the developers say to the peer reviewed studies that confirm negative health effects within 5km of wind turbines?
There is no evidence of adverse health effects from infrasound below the sound pressure level of 90 dB. Several studies have been conducted by medical experts to assess wind turbine sound. These studies indicate that infrasound and low frequency sounds from modern wind turbines are well below the level where known health effects occur, typically at 50 to 70 dB (Leventhall 2006). Some of the major studies conducted on health concerns related to wind projects are listed below.
- Chief Medical Health Officer. 2010. The Potential Health Impacts of Wind Turbines. Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health Report. Prepared for the Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion.
- Colby, D. 2008. The Health Impact of Wind Turbines: A Review of Current White, Grey, and Published Literature. Prepared for the Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit.
- Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Massachusetts Department of Public Health. (2012). Wind Turbine Health Impact Study: Report of Independent Expert Panel.
- Leventhall G. 2006. Infrasound from wind turbines: fact, fiction or deception. Canadian Acoustics Vol. 34 (2):29-36.
- Health Canada will be conducting a study on wind turbines and human health. The study is expected to be complete by 2014 and information on the study and its methodology can be found on Health Canada’s website at http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ahc-asc/media/nr-cp/_2012/2012-109-eng.php.
6. What communications have been done for the project thus far?
In February 2012 we set up a Community Liaison Committee (CLC) made up of about a dozen members representing local residents, cottagers, businesses, Mi’kmaq and environmental interests. CLC members have been meeting on a bi-monthly basis and have visited the project site and the Digby Wind Farm. We have also been sharing project information with the public via frequent newsletters, website, and emails to the project email list. We have been in the local area, speaking with residents one-on-one and have hosted public meetings. We will continue to share updated project information with the local community and encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments.
7. Who is on the project team?
Nova Scotia companies, Oxford Frozen Foods and Minas Basin Pulp and Power, with the support of Nova Scotia Power, are developing the project. Oxford Frozen Foods, part of the Bragg group of companies, is a leader in wild blueberry farming. Founded in 1927, Minas Basin Pulp and Power is an independent power producer with a 5 MW hydro facility and a portfolio of power projects under development. Nova Scotia Power has been the main electricity provider for Nova Scotians for more than 80 years.
8. Why build this project?
The Province has set a renewable electricity target of 25% of generation from renewable sources by 2015 and 40% by 2020. The South Canoe Wind Project participated in a competitive Request for Proposals process and was awarded a contract to provide renewable electricity which will enable the Province to achieve their renewable electricity goal.
9. Can you use local content and skills to build the turbines?
We would like to use as many local skills as possible to build the turbines; however, some turbine components cannot be manufactured in Nova Scotia (e.g. blades, generator). Major
components that will be manufactured in Nova Scotia are the turbine towers which will be built by DSTN in Trenton and the turbine foundations which will be built on-site. South Canoe is a made-in-Nova Scotia energy solution and we are proud to add DSTN to the Oxford, Minas, and Nova Scotia Power project team.
10. I am interested in getting a job on the project, who should I contact?
Please contact Project Manager Sean Brennan at [email protected] with your inquiries about jobs.
11. How are sound levels being studied?
As part of the project’s Environmental Assessment, a sound model was generated including inputs such as residential locations, topography, turbine locations, and turbine size and sound power data. The model showed that the South Canoe project turbines will not exceed a 40 dBA sound level at any residence. This is a sound level equivalent to a quiet library. To ensure the project meets the 40dBA standard, pre-construction monitoring has been done at residences near the project to determine a sound level baseline. Post-construction, monitoring will be done as well to ensure we have not exceeded the allowable standard.
12. What is infrasound and what effects does it have on health?
Infrasound is very low-frequency sound, typically defined as being between 1-20 Hz. It is called infrasound because it is below what human ears can normally hear. Some differentiate 1-16 Hz as infrasound and 16-20 Hz as low frequency noise, as the 16-20 Hz range can be audible at very high volumes. Low frequency sound and infrasound are everywhere in the environment. They are emitted from natural sources (e.g. wind, rivers, ocean waves) and from artificial sources including road traffic, aircraft, and ventilation systems. Under many conditions, low frequency sound below 40 Hz from wind turbines cannot be distinguished from environmental background noise from the wind itself (Chief Medical Officer of Health 2010).
There is no evidence of adverse health effects from infrasound below the sound pressure level of 90 dB. Studies conducted to assess wind turbine sound indicates that infrasound and low frequency sounds from modern wind turbines are well below the level where known health effects occur, typically at 50 to 70 dB (Leventhall 2006). Some of the major studies conducted on health concerns related to wind projects are listed below.
- Chief Medical Health Officer. 2010. The Potential Health Impacts of Wind Turbines. Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health Report. Prepared for the Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion.
- Colby, D. 2008. The Health Impact of Wind Turbines: A Review of Current White, Grey, and Published Literature. Prepared for the Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit.
- Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Massachusetts Department of Public Health. (2012). Wind Turbine Health Impact Study: Report of Independent Expert Panel.
- Leventhall G. 2006. Infrasound from wind turbines: fact, fiction or deception. Canadian Acoustics Vol. 34 (2):29-36.
- Health Canada will be conducting a study on wind turbines and human health. The study is expected to be complete by 2014 and information on the study and its methodology can be found on Health Canada’s website at http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ahc-asc/media/nr-cp/_2012/2012-109-eng.php.
13. Are you measuring infrasound for the South Canoe project? If not, why not?
We are not planning to measure infrasound for the South Canoe Wind Project. The project has complied with all government regulations that are in place and has completed a full Environmental Assessment. Unlike audible sound (which we modeled and will monitor), there are currently no Government or Industry standards for permissible/safe infrasound levels, making it difficult to measure. If circumstances were to change, we’re committed to working with the community and residents.
14. Health issues are a concern. Who will reimburse residents if illness arising from the wind turbines causes loss of income, increased medical costs, and impact on quality of life?
The South Canoe Wind Project was approved by the Nova Scotia Department of Environment after a review of substantial studies that showed the wind farm will not pose a risk to the residents or the environment. If circumstances were to change, we’re committed to working with the community and residents.
15. Will the wind farm produce harmful levels of electromagnetic fields?
Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are created by a combination of an electrical charge and a magnetic field which can occur naturally or from human activities (e.g. cell phone usage, radio towers). There are four potential sources of EMFs associated with wind projects: the transmission line, wind turbines, generator transformers, and underground cables. The World Health Organization and Health Canada have stated that wind turbines are not considered to be a significant source of EMFs.
16. How far can ice be thrown from turbine blades?
With the project’s 1.2km setback and with proper on-site safety awareness, ice throw hazards will be minimized. Typically, during periods of unbalanced icing, the turbine will detect the ice and automatically shut off, allowing ice to melt and directly fall off instead of being thrown. However, there are two plausible scenarios in which ice may fall from a wind turbine and may land at some distance from the tower. The first scenario, ice that falls from a stationary turbine is blown some distance from the tower during heavy winds. The second, much less likely scenario, ice is thrown from the blade of an operating turbine. In the first case, ice may land 100 m from the tower in high winds. In the second case, the ice could land further from the turbine. It would depend on the actual speed of the rotor when the ice was shed, the height of the tower, the length of the blade, the angular position of the blade when the ice was released, and the size and shape of the ice. In general, it appears that ice is unlikely to land farther from the turbine than its maximum vertical extent (150m).
17. Will the turbines be equipped with lights?
Yes, turbines #1, 6, 11, 21, 22, 24, 27, 30, 32, 34 will be equipped with lighting to adhere to Transport Canada regulations. We plan on using a red flashing light for the project.
18. What will be the impact on my property values?
A comprehensive study of the impact of wind farms on property values was completed by Hoen et al. (2009) where residential home sales near twenty-four wind developments were examined. Using various methods of analysis, the authors found no impact on property values as a result of area stigma, scenic stigma, or nuisance stigma in relation to wind farms (Hoen et al., 2009). The report is available at http://eetd.lbl.gov/ea/ems/reports/lbnl-2829e.pdf. Ultimately, each wind farm development is different, making it difficult to accurately predict effects on property values for those residing near the South Canoe Wind Project. Nonetheless, the 1.2km buffer from turbine to dwelling should assist in mitigating effects on property values.
19. How will the South Canoe Wind Project compensate residents for lost property values?
It’s in our interest to ensure the project’s success for the benefit of the entire community. At this stage, we have no plans for a property value assurance plan. We anticipate, and several community members believe, that the project will have a positive economic impact on the community.
20. When will the turbines be arriving on site?
The turbines will start arriving to site the week of October 6, 2014.
21. Who is Acciona Windpower North America?
ACCIONA will provide wind turbine generators and construction services for the 102 MW South Canoe Wind Project. 34 ACCIONA Windpower AW116/3000 wind turbine generators, each with nameplate capacity of 3 megawatts will be used for the project. The turbine towers are 92m tall and the blades are 57m long. ACCIONA will provide construction services for the project’s foundations, erection and balance of plant infrastructure, and operate and maintain the turbines for the first 15 years of the project.
South Canoe will be the third wind project in Canada’s Maritime Provinces to generate electricity using ACCIONA Windpower turbines. In August, ACCIONA Windpower completed an agreement to supply AW3000/116 turbines to the 30 MW Hermanville and Clear Springs Wind Project on nearby Prince Edward Island. The 45 MW Lamèque Wind Farm in New Brunswick began operating with AW1500 turbines in 2011.
ACCIONA was selected as the turbine supplier for the project after a competitive Request for Proposal process and an extensive review of the company’s experience and operational history. During this review process, South Canoe Project Partners identified ACCIONA as the best choice to provide construction services and operations and maintenance for the project as well.
With this contract, ACCIONA Windpower continues its expansion as a global supplier based on the reliability and competitiveness of its products, amply demonstrated in different conditions and environments. At present more than 90 wind parks in 15 countries –17 within the next two years- operate the company’s wind turbines. To learn more about Acciona, visit their website at www.acciona.ca.
22. Can we expect increased dust, traffic, and damage to the roads when turbine components are delivered to the project site?
There will be increased traffic while components are delivered to the site; however, we have been working with Nova Scotia Environment on an Environmental Protection Plan which will limit dust emissions and will engage the Department of Transportation and Renewal (TIR) to ensure that the project is compliant with transportation regulations. We will sign an agreement with the Municipality and TIR for the use of the roads and will ensure roads are not damaged and will be returned to pre-project conditions.
23. Who do I contact if I have questions about the project?
We want to hear from you! You can reach Mary-Frances Lynch, Project Communications Lead, by email or phone at [email protected] and (902) 684-1104.
24. How will I be informed of project progress?
There are several ways to stay informed of the project progress – regular project newsletters mailed out to residents and landowners, the project website, our e-mail list, and public meetings. If you are interested in joining our email list please email us at [email protected] and we will add you to our distribution list.
25. What is the Decommissioning Plan for the project?
Typically wind farms have a lifespan exceeding 20 years. As specified in the project’s Environmental Assessment, a decommissioning plan will be submitted to Nova Scotia Environment.
Generally, decommissioning will include the following steps:
- Wind turbines will be dismantled and removed from the site:
- Once the tower has been removed, the anchor bolts will be cut off to grade level and an earthen berm will be laid over the concrete foundation and stabilized;
- Internal roads and the site entrance, if not required for forestry purposes, will be removed. If removed, land will be reinstated and stabilized;
- Collection system conductor and poles will be removed, recycled, where possible, and disposed of otherwise to an approved facility; and
- All other buildings and equipment will be removed and all land will be reinstated and stabilized.
According to the land leases, a Decommissioning Fund is required to be established by the project partners for the purpose of covering the cost of all decommissioning activities.
26. What will the project look like?
To assess the potential impact on visual aesthetics in the local area, a visual impact assessment was completed as part of the Environmental Assessment. Photographs were taken around the project site at locations where people live, on commonly driven roads, and from recreational areas. When the photo is taken, the location and GPS heading is recorded in order to accurately place the photo and the viewing direction. Using Geographic Information System software, location information for each photograph, the turbine layout, turbine dimensions, and provincial topographic data are combined to create an accurate 3D view. The computer generated 3D view is then merged with the digital photographs to produce the photomontages.
A total of eleven photomontages were rendered to show what the wind farm will look like from particular vantage points in the project area. The photomontages can be viewed here.
27. What is the lifespan of the turbines that will be used at South Canoe?
The design certificate for Acciona’s AW 3000-116 references a design life of 20 years; however, the project team anticipates that the turbine life will be longer.
28. What is being done to address wind power’s intermittency and the need to keep coal plants as backup generation?
As a variable source of energy, wind power does require backup generation. The overall backup requirement also depends on many other factors, such as, demand on the electrical system, available generation capacity and other operational considerations. That’s why it’s hard to provide a specific figure on how much back-up generation is required at a given time. Utilities like Nova Scotia Power are working to find ways to better integrate wind as a generation source, as more of it comes on to the grid. The PowerShift Atlantic is one such research project taking place in Nova Scotia currently. Despite some of the operational challenges, wind development is a key part of the province’s move away from fossil fuels and towards a more renewable future. The South Canoe Wind Farm will enable that progress.
29. What are the steps involved in determining the turbine layout?
There are several considerations and steps that go into determining where to put wind turbines.
- Gather at least a year’s worth of wind data from a meteorological mast and generate a wind speed map for the site. This map is created by a third party consultant.
- Determine site constraints – location of wetlands, sensitive habitats and vegetation, steep slopes, setback buffers from residences, lot lines, roads and water courses, aviation and radar constraints, etc.
- A third party consultant would feed the site’s wind map, site constraints, and turbine performance and technical information into a computer program that produces a turbine layout with the highest energy production considering all site constraints.
- A third party consultant would conduct sound and shadow flicker modelling on the layout to determine if it meets sound and shadow flicker standards.
- Once sound and shadow flicker standards are met, the layout needs to be approved by the turbine supplier to ensure that the wind conditions for each turbine location are within the turbine’s design parameters.
Any changes in turbine locations mean that new energy assessments need to be conducted by third party consultants and the turbine supplier to ensure that the energy yield is not compromised.
30. What skills are required for the permanent jobs on the site?
Permanent jobs on the site would mainly include electrical and mechanical technicians. Given available wind farm technician expertise in the province, we expect that these positions can be filled by Nova Scotians and that these technicians would reside in the local area.
31. Who is currently on the Community Liaison Committee?
CLC membership has changed over the past year, with current membership outlined below.
Dave Campbell – Cottage Owner, Maritime Parklands
Eric Christmas – KMKNO Mi’kmaq Rights Initiative
Sharon Church-Cornelius – Local Councillor
Tina Connors – Local Councillor
Megan Davies – Local Resident
Merlin Gates – Local Resident
Debbie Innes – Local Resident
Kerry Keddy – Local Resident, Chester Municipal Chamber of Commerce
Janis Kinnie – Cottage Owner, Zwicker Lake
Debbie Reeves – Local Resident
George Robson – Local Resident
Ben Wiper – Chester Municipal Chamber of Commerce
32. What is the Community Liaison Committee’s mandate?
The Community Liaison Committee (CLC) is an advisory body to the South Canoe Wind Farm Development Team. As outlined in the CLC Guidelines, the CLC has the following mandate:
- For consultation between the South Canoe Wind Farm Development Team and the residents of the area, who are impacted or are perceived to be impacted during the development and construction of the Project;
- To act as a forum for ongoing dialogue between the Development Team and the area representatives for consideration of issues of public concern;
- To provide a means for the Development Team to provide information to, consult with and obtain advice from a body of representatives of the community; and
- A method whereby the residents or other parties may bring issues of public concern to the attention of the Development Team.
33. What has been discussed at Community Liaison Committee meetings so far?
You can view CLC meeting minutes here. So far, the CLC has discussed and heard presentations on the following topics:
- The Provincial Request for Proposal process
- Community project sponsorship ideas
- The Environmental Assessment – presentations by Strum Environmental staff provided an overview of the Environmental Assessment process and of specific studies such as sound modelling and monitoring, shadow flicker modelling, and visual impact assessments.
- Presentation by Sean Brennan, former Digby project manager, on the construction of the Digby project
- South Canoe project milestones
- Local procurement and benefits
- Project communications
- The development agreement process
- Engagement with local schools
- Project logo
- Project bulletin board
- Volunteering in the community
- Engagement with Card Lake Conservation Society
- Turbine selection
- The process of determining the turbine layout
- Field trip to the Digby Wind Farm
- Field trip to the South Canoe project site
The CLC will continue to play an important role in bringing forward community ideas, questions and concerns and will help the project team provide the most benefit to the community. All are welcome to attend CLC meetings. Please contact Mary-Frances Lynch at [email protected] or (902) 684- 1104 for information on the next CLC meeting.
34. What will the project team do to ensure that the local community directly benefits from the project?
One of the early discussions with the CLC was to go over ways in which the project can provide direct benefit to the local area. We have committed a budget for local sponsorship funding and will work with the CLC to manage this budget and evaluate projects. Please see our Community page for more info on the fund.
35. What transportation route will the turbine components take to get to the site?
We have heard from community members that special consideration should be given to accommodate school bus routes, scheduling of deliveries, traffic congestion, as well as concerns about truck speed. The local route that trucks are taking is Hwy 12, Lake Lawson Road, to New Russell Road, to site. You can track the location of the trucks with our GPS truck tracker on our website’s mainpage.
36. Who governs the project operation?
As the majority partner, Oxford Frozen Foods will govern project operations. For on-site operations, a long term operations and maintenance agreement has been signed with Acciona Energy.
37. Who is Strum Environmental?
Strum Environmental, operating since 1995, is an environmental and engineering consulting firm based out of Bedford, Nova Scotia. Strum managed and conducted studies for South Canoe’s Environmental Assessment and has extensive experience conducting similar studies on other wind projects in Nova Scotia. To learn more about Strum, please visit their website.
38. When blasting, what protection measures will be in place for mitigating impacts from local uranium deposits?
The project’s Environmental Assessment identified uranium deposits 6km north of the project site; nonetheless, pre-blasting surveys have been completed on wells and home foundations near the project site and post-blasting surveys may also be conducted to ensure safe levels of radon gas.
39. Will you be spraying the forest with herbicides?
In the late 1980’s, herbicides which were approved by Nova Scotia Environment had been used for intensive silviculture treatments and during this time, government guidelines and regulations were followed. Since the 1990’s there have been no herbicides used on Timberland Holdings (affiliate of Minas Basin Pulp and Power) property and this practice continues today.
40. Once off Hwy 103, how long will it take for a truck transporting turbine equipment to get to the project site?
Depending on the component being delivered, travel times will vary. Blades, towers, and hub will travel close to the speed limit so may take approximately an hour to get to site from the 103 exit. The nacelle and tower base are slower moving trucks and may take 2 or more hours to travel from the 103 exit to site.
41. How many turbine component deliveries will be made to the site per week?
We estimate that two to three turbines will be delivered to the site per week, totalling twenty to thirty trucks per week. Each turbine requires ten trucks – five for the tower sections, three for the blades, one for the rotor, and one for the nacelle.
42. Will turbine components be delivered to the site on weekends?
We do not plan to deliver turbine components to the site on weekends though if the plan were to change, we would advise residents.
43. While turbine components are delivered to the site, what allowances will be made for emergency vehicles travelling in the area?
We are committed to ensuring that measures are in place in the transportation plan to allow for the safe travel of emergency vehicles while turbine components are being delivered to the site.
44. Will the local fire departments be trained to respond to emergencies on the project site?
Yes, we have been working with local fire departments to ensure that they are well-trained in responding to any emergencies on the project site. Safety of our construction crews and contractors as well as that of the community will be our top priority.
45. How much power does a turbine typically produce over a given amount of time?
The production and consumption of electricity is most commonly measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). A kilowatt-hour means one kilowatt (1,000 watts) of electricity produced or consumed over the period of one hour. One 100 watt light bulb left on for 10 hours consumes one kilowatt-hour of electricity (100 watts x 10 hours = 1,000 watt-hours = 1 kilowatt-hour). The output of a wind turbine depends on the turbine’s size and the speed of the wind passing through the rotor sweep area. For example, a 10 kW wind turbine can generate about 10,000 kWh annually at a site with an annual average wind speed of 5.8 meters per second (approximately 20km/h), or enough energy to power a typical household. The capacity factor is an element used in measuring the productivity of a wind turbine or other power production facility. It compares the plant’s actual production over a given period of time with the amount of power the plant would have produced if it had run at full capacity for the same amount of time. In South Canoe’s case, each wind turbine is rated at 3MW, so to determine its capacity factor, you would take the actual production relative to producing 3MW the entire time. Given the variability of wind, wind turbines typically have a capacity factor of 30-40%.
46. Are you aware of a study that will look at hair follicles to determine health impacts from wind turbines?
We are aware that Health Canada is conducting a study on wind turbines and health and that their methodology does include hair cortisol analysis of individuals living near wind turbines. To review information on the Health Canada study methodology and their Expert Committee’s response to public feedback, please visit:
- http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ewh-semt/consult/_2013/wind_turbine- eoliennes/comments_part1-commentaires_partie1-eng.php
- http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ewh-semt/consult/_2013/wind_turbine- eoliennes/comments_part2-commentaires_partie2-eng.php
Like other wind projects across Canada, we look forward to the outcome of Health Canada’s study.
47. What are the economic spin offs for the local area?
Local economic spinoffs during project construction will include accommodation rentals for workers and increased spending at local restaurants, stores, local tourist attractions, and events/festivals. Once up and running, the wind farm may also attract tourists to the area resulting in increased spending at local businesses.
48. Who will manage traffic in the area?
It is the South Canoe project team’s responsibility to manage traffic coming to and from the site. We will make sure to inform the local community of increased traffic periods and will work with Acciona to limit the impacts to local commuters and residents.
49. What type of Corporate Social Responsibility will be exercised by the project team?
Oxford Frozen Foods, Minas Basin Pulp and Power, and Nova Scotia Power are committed to being responsible neighbours and aim to provide benefits to the local community. Individually, each company has a track record of being good corporate citizens. Oxford Frozen Foods has been a large employer in rural areas since 1968 and has been a long time supporter of the IWK Childrens Hospital. They have also won awards for their commitment to communities (e.g. Canadian Family Enterprise of the Year, Corporate Volunteer Award). From 1927 to 2012, Minas Basin Pulp and Power and its affiliates have played a large role in supporting agricultural, fishing and manufacturing initiatives in Hants, Lunenburg, Kings, Halifax, Colchester, and Cumberland counties. Minas has sponsored several community-based activities such as school science fairs and events, student scholarships, support for local wildlife and fishers and anglers associations, as well as other local service clubs. Every year, Nova Scotia Power, together with its employees, donates more than $1 million to registered charities and not-for-profit organizations throughout Nova Scotia. It supports projects and organizations that focus on keeping our communities safe and helping those in need. In addition, together as a project team, we plan to support the community and sponsor projects and groups in the local area. We will commit a budget for local projects and will work with the CLC to manage this budget and evaluate projects.